Faith Gardens and Farms Initiative


Dear Brothers and Sisters:
When the Faith Gardens and Farms initiative was launched in the Far West Missouri Stake in 2020, many members of the stake and friends of the Church responded enthusiastically. We have been grateful to witness your countless hours served, resources shared, and diligent efforts, and we know that many of your efforts have been private. Thank you for your faith and faithfulness!

The lessons learned from this initiative will forever be a blessing. Over these months and years, so many people in our stake area have seen the blessings of increased faith in Jesus Christ, stronger testimonies, and greater unity. The members of the stake have found joy in serving one another and working together and have felt peace in becoming increasingly self-reliant. Please see the attached document that highlights the accomplishments that our stake has experienced during this time.

As we continue to seek the will of the Lord, the stake presidency has determined that it is time to transition the Faith Garden and Farms initiative from a stakewide endeavor to a personal and family effort focused on growing faith and increasing self-reliance, supported as appropriate by local congregations and leadership. The stake’s online communities for sharing gardening information and tips will continue. In addition, the Church has produced many resources to help and support individual and family self-reliance.
Any stake resources remaining from the Faith Gardens and Farms initiative, such as beehives and swarm traps, will be dispersed and shared with individuals and families in the stake, according to their interest, on a first-come basis.
Please continue to counsel together in your families on how to build self-reliance and increase faith in Jesus Christ.
John P. Fawson
David W. Mayne
Benjamin C. Tyler
Far West Missouri Stake Presidency 

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